Breed Fjord

The Fjord is a Norwegian pony origins, is one of the few breeds that has preserved ancient esisenti, over the years, its original features. Favorite race of the Vikings, was formerly used in fighting between horses, bred in purity and is now found in Norway and Denmark where it is used for harness racing attacked. Pony strong and durable and requires no special care has a great ability to adapt, not afraid of very low temperatures and the outdoors. The Fjord has a frugal and rustic appearance, has the characteristic features of prehistoric horses mane erect and has a particular color from black and ergento and often also the curious zebra legs.

His appearance
Medium Height: 130 - 142 cm
Average weight: 360 - 450 kg.
Mantle: isabella in all shades; insert blacks in the center of horsehair mane and tail

Shooting light
Farm work.