Breed Exmoor

The 'Exmoor is one of the oldest breeds of ponies in the UK (South West England). Formerly used for farming and pastures, today is a race and how appreciated nell'ippoterapia pony saddle because, given its small size, appears to be ideal in working with children. The 'Exmoor as already said, is a small pony, but the stamina, strong and fast, great jumper, easily adapts to the temperature of areas with severe climates. She has a sociable and lively, but, for his stubborn nature, is not easy to train.

His appearance: medium Height: 115 - 124 cm
                               average weight: 150 - 180 kg
                               cloak bay and chestnut, infarinature allowed on the nose, belly and inner thighs

Disciplines: Pony riding, shooting light, jumping, riding therapy.