Breed Dole Gudbrandsdal

The Dole horse is the most common in Norway, a land in which it originates. Much resembling the Dales pony horse this size and type variables, some light thanks to the influence of the Thoroughbred, used for harness racing, other more massive for shooting heavy. The dole is a strong horse and resistant in the past used to transport timber and agricultural work, is now considered a multi-purpose horse, fits well in fact, is in heavy work that nell'equitazione. The dole has a stature and a stocky body and strong, the head has a straight profile as the pony, square muzzle, short legs and shins. The coat is composed of dense hair that allows the dole to live at temperatures well below freezing, the mane and tail are very long. He has an energetic, strong and patient.

His appearance: medium Height: 145 - 157 cm
                               average weight: 540 - 630 kg
                               cloak bay, dark bay, black horse, chestnut, gray, isabella

Discipline: Racing at the trot, agricultural work, heavy firing.