Trotting race

The trot is one of the natural gaits of the horse as monitored at two separate times, the support of the biped is simultaneously diagonally (right rear with the left front and left rear with the front right). The average speed of a trotting horse goes from 10 to 55 km / h.
There are different types of trot between these:

  • Trot normal, or beating the saddle.
  • Sitting trot, trot or work.
  • Trot raised, or crotch, or even in suspension

The trot is also a discipline of horseracing. The first trotting races in Italy date back to early 1800. The race takes place on the trotting track in the sandy bottom where the horse pulling a sulky (a little buggy) to two wheels, on which sits the driver (the driver). The horse is run at full speed and is penalized, even if you stop the trot up to disqualification. Vince who cuts the line first.