
The dressage is an Olympic equestrian discipline, also called race training. During the test, the horse and rider must perform a series of predefined shapes in a sequence called "recovery" in a rectangular field of dimensions 20x60 m or 20x40 m.

The feeling between horse and rider in this discipline is essential, must give the impression that the observer is to be in harmony like a ball balanced and elegant, the horse must be sweet and sinuovo movements, shall perform all figures without any pressure from the rider's almost as if he were completely autonomously, without being transported.
The dressage are four: the E (elementary), F (easy), M (medium) and finally the D (difficult). Each category has different degrees of difficulty labeled with numbers. The judges evaluate every single figure, even in basic harmony between horse and rider and score for each movement of the shooting, the player who scored the highest score.

It is part of the Kur dressage also, also known as freestyle. In this type change rules different from classical dressage. Kur in the horse and rider must perform a recovery created by the same rider that contains the class compulsory moves, all to music.

The Kur is a show that gives, indeed, strong emotions for fans of the genre.