Breed Bramantino

The Bramantino is a horse of Belgian origin, also called Belgian draft-horse and exists in three different sizes: the small, medium, large. This race has played a considerable role in the development of other heavy breeds. The Bramantino has a huge physical and compact, short, wide back, small head and short legs but very hard, red roan coat color with black specks although variations are permitted. Known for its extreme ruggedness, is a subject very strong and has exceptional strength, has a very mild.

His appearance:  Small 150 to 164 cm (500 - 600 kg)
                                Average 160 to 165 cm (600 - 800 kg)
                                Large 160 to 170 cm (800 - 1,000 kg)
                                cloak bay, blackish, gray, chestnut, red roan

Discipline: Heavy Draught Horse, farm work.