Breed Arabian

The Arabian horse is a breed of one of the oldest, dating back to 3000 BC and originating in Saudi Arabia is one of the most popular breeds in the world today. The appearance of the Arabian horse is very pleasant, his body is balanced and elegant, the coat consists of short hairs and shiny.
Arabic is suitable to walk many miles without tiring especially, has excellent physical strength due to the small body and heart size (equal to that of a horse needs to build greater support then a smaller body of work less).
Temperamentally the Arabian horse is lively, loyal and courageous

His appearance: medium Height: 145 - 155 cm, in some cases falls below the minimum limit.
                               average weight: 350 - 450 kg
                               mantle: Grey, Sauro, Baio, Morello.

Discipline: Endurance, rapid fire, trekking.