Breed Akhal-Tekè

Akhal-Teke of the original 'former Soviet Union is one of the oldest breeds of horse, it seems to have been his tracks as far back as 500 BC, descended from the now extinct Turkoman horse is also called the "greyhound of the desert" or "heavenly horse" eleganza.Tra for its speed and its many advantages, there are adaptation at all speeds, agility, resistance to different climatic temperatures and thirst. One of the defects of the Akhal-Teke is the character, not at all meek ​​annoyed if not suitable for beginners.

His appearance: average height: 145-155 cm at the withers
                               average weight: 320-430 kg
                               mantle: Baio, chestnut, auburn, with metallic luster

Disciplines: endurance, trekking, show jumping, dressage.